About Us
The Black Book was created with the purpose of finding a way for the public to locate Black crafters in our community. The idea was to help consumers find and support Black crafters in the community.

Reina Ciccarone is the Founder and the CEO of the black book, a New York Capital Region’s locally run black business website directory.
The idea came about on a Saturday morning while Reina was having a cup of coffee with her husband, Tony. She has always loved attending boutiques and craft shows but recognized that many of the business owners were white and there wasn’t much of any representation of where to find or locate black-owned craft businesses.
It’s important for the younger generation of black and brown children to be able to see successful black-owned businesses in their community.
As a Black and Hispanic woman, she set out to create The Black Book, an online community to help support black crafters, businesses and arts community in the New York Capital District.
If you know of a black-owned business in the Capital region and would like to nominate them to be on the black book please contact us and we will get them listed.